Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Malaysia steps up efforts to curb illegal e-waste recyclers

 Timely isn't it? Just when I write about this industry, things begin to happen all around. This time the Royal Malaysian Police acting on a tip off from none other that His Royal Highness Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Al-Sultan Abdullah (Regent of Pahang) through the Inspector General of Police's Secretariat alongside members of the Anti Money Laundering Squad of Bukit Aman raided at least 6 illegal waste operating sites in Pekan, Bandar Muazzam Shah (Pahang), Simpang Renggam (Johor), Gemencheh and Rembau (Negeri Sembilan) as well as one in Bukit Tagar, Selangor.

As I mentioned in my previous article, these illegal operators make so much in profits that any raid or closure of their facilities will only push them further underground. They have no responsibilities and continue to pollute both their surroundings as well as waterways.

The value of such canibalised metals are so high these days that. they simply harness, liquid and disappear into the next land that they can secure on a short to middle term lease. They operate without a care for the environment and only have profits as their goal.

So, will these raids be effective for Malaysia's long term objective? For some perspective, one can argue that it started some time in 2018 when then newly minted Minister of Science, Technology and Environment Yeo Bee Yin had declared an open war on environment polluters, starting from the illegal dumping of chemicals in Johor, and Puchong. That further developed into front page photos of her opening containers of waste, which also included e-waste and 'demanding that developed' countries stop using Malaysia as their garbage dump.

Perhaps, back then having to win over the media, not much attention was paid to what the recycling industry was churning, billions of Ringgit in much needed revenue to revive Malaysia's dwindling economy. Fast forward to 3 ministers later post Mahathir's 2nd coming, still not much is done enough for those that are legal and fighting a system created to challenge them instead of helping the industry grow.

In Norway for example, instead of battling different producers and materials, the European directive of waste electronic and electrical equipment has authorised 'Productive Creative Schemes' or PCS. It helps producers through a scheme championed by approved agencies to collect and package and passes the cost directly to producers. But what then becomes of other wastes? Collectedresponsibly, it becomes a much needed resource for licensed legal recyclers. Win + Win, and Norway leads the way !

So why aren't countries like Malaysia following these steps? In fact even in Singapore (it is almost always argued that Singapore is small, so easier to manage) such positive steps are already taken and even household batteries, which does not score very high on the recycle-o-meter in terms of value, has found its very own home in waste recovery efforts.

While countries like Norway, can see why their policies might help turn around an industry shunned by the Basel Convention, though many have totally misunderstood the very reason of the accord, others like Malaysia is still more interested in the headline grabbing news of illegal factory raids.

As calls grow for the Anwar Ibrahim led government to do more in order to protect legal operators from being seen in bad light, as well as the shrinking of resources created by the blanket ban that it has been imposing on e-waste imports - Singapore, Thailand and Vietname stand to gain more and more from Malaysia's short sightedness in recognising that there is really a pot of gold at the end of the e-waste rainbow!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Malaysia's DOE regulates e-waste. Or do they?

pix from New Straits Times

It's 2024, and much has happened since Yeo Bee Yin's crusade against waste processing, in particular e-waste.

In Singapore, it is estimated that there are at least 60,000 tons of e-waste produced annually. E-waste is defined as any items discarded that runs on electricity, with or without batteries. In fact, Singapore has around 800 collection centres, many of which includes retailers who have a 'collect back' policy especially for customers who have upgraded their equipment or devices. While the NEA (National Environmental Agency) oversees this, in Malaysia, that role falls under the DOE (Department of Environment)

The DOE's e-waste management notice on its website alone will confuse you more, as it says 'it is the responsibility of the consumer to dispose off their e-waste responsibly' by contacting registered e-waste recyclers by either dropping off or getting them to collect. All well and good. stops there. No list of registered recyclers, no schedule of waste classification except for a general statement of 'SW110' code for waste that is classified as scheduled waste. Cantik.

And what about the current Madani government, whose Minister Nik Nazmi is more concerned about his fitness than the blanket ban for the industry of e-waste recycling. Why so? Malaysia does not generate enough e-waste, in fact the importation of e-waste too is 'controlled', perhaps by a blind sight of the ratification of the Basel Accord.

Given that there are technologies especially green technology available to best recycle these classified waste, why is Nik Nazmi taking his time to see the benefits of a controlled industry? Illegal waste recyclers have been moving their operations by exploiting cheap labour all these years, polluting the local areas where they operate.

The Minister has the authority, but will he choose to open his eyes to legitimate recyclers who can and are willing to take the lead to put Malaysia on a trajectory of being e-waste champions that even Singapore seems to be ahead of?

We aim to show what and where Malaysia is lacking and should do, and benefit from this waste that simply is a matter that should be managed, not blanketly ignored.

(NEXT: The e-waste Industry- how does the Madani Government manage it?)

Friday, August 2, 2024

Malaysia's Dilemma-Developing country or Developed country

Malaysia and Singapore's planned SEZ (Special Economic Zone) that was announced to be within the ghostly Forest City is indeed a welcomed one, when one City State battles for much needed space while Malaysia fights for much required foreign investments.

Malaysia thinks of itself as an 'ASEAN Tiger' (Says former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir) while even UMNO stalwart Tengku Razaleigh claims that it was never even one.

While powers today such as Anwar's Ministers grapple to even find its own position given that Malaysia had signed many accords while trying to reinvent itself. 

Among many of Malaysia's lost causes is one that baffles me as someone who can see how Malaysia can benefit from Singapore. In recent times, in fact, as far back as 2018 a certain Minister of Environment, Science and Technology Yeo Bee Yin declared an all out 'war' against waste recycling announcing that Malaysia would not be part of the 'worlds garbage' dump. As such Malaysia's ratification of the Basel Convention which it signed in 1992 is now stopping it from benefitting directly from Singapore )among many countries.

How so?
While countries that realise that there are indeed gold among recycling of waste, in particular e-waste, Malaysia's current Environment & Natural Resources Minister chooses to prolong Malaysia's arrogance (or rather stupidity) in NOT realising that the Basel Convention itself has room for such advantages, as some other countries have found in negotiating the accord by recycling e-waste responsibly in line with respecting the environment.

While Malaysia which is still considered a developing country play high and mighty, it is denying industry pioneers from a livelihood that will spearhead a Malaysia-Singapore renaissance of 'Maju Bersama'

Come back for a more detailed deep dive into this and learn about responsibility to the environment that keeps countries that know how to turn in profits from waste, unlike Malaysia's continuance of pushing illegal recyclers that helps line the pockets of authorities.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Woodlands-Johor Causeway Congestion: What Malaysia can do to ease it

(Pic obtained from AsiaOne)
Regularly referred to as the busiest land crossing in the world, the Woodlands-Johore causeway sees traffic from Malaysia alone hitting the low 300k daily, and coupled with Singapore's outgoing and incoming vehicular traffic, one can only imagine the chaos especially during rush hours.

Hence, the Singapore's ICA implementation of the QR Code access by 2nd time or more visitors will help reduce interaction time between enforcement officers and transients, this alleviating traffic congestion.

Malaysia, though lagging behind these initiatives, have a pro-active Chief Minister in Johor's Onn Ghafar whose surprise checks of the Malaysian border crossing complex is seen as a hindrance by immigration officials. The latest outburst by the union of Immigration officers only goes to show that the problem lies not with the government but at the agency itself. 

While Singapore's ICA is often seen to review and implement measures to ease congestion, the same cannot be said about Malaysia. In the latest visit by Onn Ghafar, he pointed out 13 closed counters by Malaysian Immigration officers, a logical deduction, on why congestion is often experienced, notably by Singaporean who frequent Malaysia for obvious reasons.

Malaysia's failure to address these issues will only cause more frustrations to drivers from both sides and can only letout the 'Malaysia mah' sigh (in Singlish, 'Malaysia-mah' means it's because of Malaysia, and is often let out as a sigh when things are done differently from Singapore)

Given the upcoming long weekends both for 29 March Good Friday & Easter as well as the next 10 April Hari Raya Puasa, which will see an added increase in traffic, let's hope the Malaysians will wake up and up their game to better manage the border crossing.

Just a note, wouldn't it help better if Malaysia's immigration change their shift assignments rather than smack right during rush hour?

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

May the real Malaysian Foreign Minister please stand up?

 One of the images constantly still being carried by Channel News Asia when in between slots for the 'Live' News broadcast depicts our very own Vivian Balakrishnan and Malaysia's former (or rather one of the former) Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah.

image from google

For the ill-informed, Saifuddin Abdullah, was Foreign Minister on two occasions, once under the PM-ship of Tun Mahathir as well as under the 9th PM Ismail Sabri. It must have been difficult for our editors of CNA to keep track with Malaysia's musical chairs of Ministers during that tumultuous period of 7th to 8th to 9th and now 10th, better known as PMX.

While Singapore being the closest neighbours to Malaysia is still keeping old images of Malaysia's former Foreign Minister, it is not surprising then that the former Foreign Ministers themselves have found their voices to be heard. Not Saifuddin for sure, as he is probably toeing his Political Party's line by maintaining silence on the recent issues, foreign or domestic to Malaysia, but from one that is more vocal and certainly experienced Anifah Aman. Yes, it is the very same respected person that is now a member of the Malaysian Upper House of Senate. The same person who is also the Special Advisor to the Chief Minister of Sabah for Foreign Affairs and Investment.

His statement in the upper house recently, highlighting the ineptitude of one of Malaysia's foremost trading partners , the United States of America's nonchalant response to the growing calls for an Israeli ceasefire in Gaza shows that Anifah is still the same person who helmed the Foreign Ministry in the past.

From previous global issues involving Sri Lanka to Myanmar, the Palestine question has always been Malaysia's stance in seeking a two state solution for the besieged country. Hence, Anfiah's statement to a top US official recently, in which he expressed his respectful view of having lost all respect for the US is both subtle and loud, something Anwar's current Foreign Minister is somewhat shy off. 

Yet, battling political crossfires within the Malaysian political landscape is somewhat expected of the much touted stable unity government; the many underlying currents that threaten Malaysia is very much present, from the new King of Malaysia's very strong Royal address to the current Parliamentary session, to the ever-growing discontent of the opposition from being left out of power amidst the ankle high socks that have been plaguing the nation through this holy month of Ramadhan. Anifah's strong rebuke of the US seems to remind the US that Malaysia though a small country, is ever steadfast in defending the Palestinians. 

Singapore too has been doing our part in upholding the principles of humanity, not just by sending aid and voicing neutrality for the support of a two state solution, yet recognising the need for Israel to defend itself, though difficult to understand for many of our neighbours, it is clear that Singapore will not be taking sides. In fact, Singapore too should stand alongside Malaysia, to lead what the west would not and do not want to do, calling for a ceasefire to restore any ounce of humanity to safeguard those innocent Palestinians. 

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Axed Tourism Malaysia Chairman Wee Choo Keong gives his story to Malaysian Police

Former Member of Parliament more remembered as the vindictive former Chairman of Tourism Malaysia Wee Choo Keong (seems to be more focussed on Siew Ka Wei) has been called by the Malaysian Police to have his statement recorded following months of tweets alleging that a crime has been committed in business dealings between MAHB and BXC Travellers Sdn Bhd.

MAHB's recent upheaval where the removal of 3 Directors whom Wee have been thought to have been getting his information from, has seen Wee being cast off without a sail. The Malaysian Police has opened investigations into Wee's actions under the Malaysian Penal Code for Criminal Defamation, likely section 499 of the Defamation Act 1957.

Wee has now reported that after his 4 hours of questioning, he in turn lodged a counter report that stated the police report against himself was made falsely, tweeting again that 2 named individuals should be charged by MACC.

Wee has gone about this issue in a roundabout way, one can say. For IF he has the evidence, why has he not reported it in the first case, and instead proceeded to spam on tweeter with the allegations instead?

Let's delve a little on about Wee (whom I believe that he is out to grind the axe with Siew for Wee was replaced by Siew after failing in his duties as Chairman of Tourism Malaysia and proceeding to fall then into the bad books of Najib). In fact, it is public knowledge that Wee is a vindictive person who continues to bad mouth the Lim father and son of DAP. He has not gotten over his episode of losing his MP seat back in 1995.

His political track record isn't stellar, and having last stood for elections in GE15 under Warisan, he failed to make a comeback understandably, and leaves a trail of political membership in ruins. His 2 years in PKR prior to his swapping camps to go 'independent' that saw him pandering to Najib was his feather in the cap. One that rewarded him with the position of Chairman of Tourism Malaysia, which he lost to Siew. 10 years before PKR, he left DAP claiming that Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng was threatened by his rising star, and went out of their way to kill his DAP career. 

No fairy tale there, and evidently he is going after Siew. 

While in Parliament, he positioned himself to focus on tourism matters and going after MCA's Ng Yen Yen gave him some footing for the Tourism Malaysia position, and his failure at it too was because he continued to go after Air Asia at that time, Tony Fernandes who was busy colouring airplanes the colour of Blue for BN. No secret there why Wee lost his job right?

So, one can see why Wee is still trying to stir this issue, now that he is cornered into his own mess. Social media is definitely a tool to gather Netizen-ry support, and in Malaysia unlike Singapore, calls as such against corruption will create a frenzy where those following who do not know the facts will continue to re-tweet for support. In the case of Wee, he too has been tagging another conglomarate kingpin alleging crimes in the auto industry, however what is not known to him is that in that case the perpetrator is the one making the accusations!

With Wee Choo Keong now having already made both his statements and police report, will we see a charge against him first, or a charge against MAHB's dealings that are continually being cried wolf by Wee?

The Malaysian Police is not Twitter, and Wee should now know that accusing someone of corruption MUST be backed by hard evidence and not just twitter rant. IF the PDRM's IT forensics unit is looking into these allegations, they will find out soon enough the source of the criminal defamation.

As the young generation is used to "Bring out the popcorn". Not likely that Wee can enjoy his Huyos now.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Board frauds and sold secrets

 If there are any misdeeds in Malaysian companies, boardrooms are where you might want to look first. After all, there hae been many cases where specific information were pushed to certain parties to oust others for corporate takeovers.

What Wee Choo Keong is implying is that just that. What we do know now is not quite how Wee puts it. There is a conspricay, and Wee has ended up being a part of it. These boardmembers have been feeding Wee with half-truths in hope that they can ouster the Chairman and MD of MAHB.

It appears that the missing link to the boardroom weasel, is revealed by no other than Wee himself. The naming of names in his tweeter thread aims squarely at only certain members of the board. This would surely point to these as 'protected' by Wee himself. Surely, the boardroom weasel has been feeding Wee with these information? It seems NuclearMan has the clearer picture, however what I do know is that the 'four' named by NuclearMan isn't quite accurate.

This four, has gone on about their 'business as usual' , and while NuclearMan has indicated that the rat has been found, the trail of one's boardroom antics will reveal the nature of that very same Director repeating his or her's mistakes pointed out here, in that particular case being part of a boardroom approval for what was later revealed as against the company's charter.

Wee Choo Leong has been dishing out names, purportedly for not questioning some decisions however he has not been talking about these 3 + 1. And for good reason, Wee who has been squarely targetting Air Asia from at least 10 years ago, does not want people to know even his sitting together with 'Danny' when the first failed AA MH merger was being bandied around. The rumour of a former MP asking for 'peaceful' sum of some millions in exchange for now 'blowing up' the matter remains a strong rumour for some to know, including me.

Alas, the MAHB Boardroom tussle, with a proxy former MP as attack dog is going to unravel sooner than later. Perhaps a strong mandate from the shareholders to the Chairman and MD should signal a timely change of the boardroom to get rid of these rats that have been sending wrong signals to try to drag the stock down. Perhaps.